
Access site metrics and container logs from the Magelify dashboard > Resources tab.

Resource usage summary

Shows an aggregated view of current CPU, RAM and IO usage across all your containers. Mouse over the charts to view individual container metrics.

Resource usage summary

Container metrics

Shows a detailed breakdown of each container's resource usage.

Container resource usage

Disk usage

Monitor disk space usage of your persistent volumes.

The disk usage reporting in the dashboard is updated on regular intervals, and thus is not always 100% up-to-date. Use the df -h command inside the container to check current, accurate disk usage.

Disk usage
Magelify sends out an automatic email notification to the site owner if the disk usage of a volume exceeds 95%. It will also show an alert in the dashboard.


Logs are important to diagnose problems and get better insight into how the system is performing. On Magelify there are two different types of logs:

Container logs

Collects output (stdout and stderr) from the main application process. Click on any replica instance to show the logs for that component.

Container logs

Some components contains multiple containers for various helper tasks and init processes. You can change which container to view logs for from the dropdown menu (1).

Build logs

You can view the log trace of a CI/CD build from the Build History dialog. This is useful to troubleshoot why build might be failing.

To view the logs of a particular build, select a build and click on "Show Logs":

Build logs